scmGalaxy online platform is a community initiatives based on Software configuration management and DevOps that helps members and organizations to optimize their software development process, advocating agile methodologies and improve productivity across all aspects of Application lifecycle management. We provide consulting, training and mentoring services in agile development practices such as Source Code Management, Continuous Integration, Build management, Test-Driven development, Acceptance-Test driven development, Build automation, code quality practices and automated testing and continuous delivery.
We provide job oriented training in the area of Software Configuration management, Build and Release Engineering and DevOps domain . Candidates with engineering or software background and looking to either start or change their career to Build and Release Engineering, would benefit most from this training. This course offered online around the globe which include India, USA, Europe, Australia, Bangalore, Delhi, Pune, Mumbai, Chennai and Hydrabad. Instructor is an expert in Software configuration management, Build and release engineering and DevOps with more than 10 years industry experience in India.
Course outline✔ Perforce system overview and user interfaces✔ Perforce system overview and user interfaces✔ Basic user operations: creating workspaces, working with files and changelists, submitting changelists,✔ keeping workspaces in sync with the depot✔ Parallel development: merging files, resolving file conflicts✔ Branching and codeline management: creating branches, integrating changes between branches, using named✔ branch views✔ Perforce Administration - Basic✔ Installation✔ Setup✔ Protections✔ Depots✔ Email Reviews✔ Perforce Jobspec✔ Backup and Recovery✔ Maintenance✔ Monitoring✔ Trigger Capabilities Overview✔ Perforce Administration - Advance✔ P4Broker✔ P4Web✔ P4Proxy✔ Replication✔ Security✔ Advanced Administration✔ Tools✔ Introduction to Scripting with PerforceInstalling P4✔ Installing P4 on UNIX and OS X✔ Installing P4 on Windows✔ Verifying the installationConfiguring P4✔ Configuration overview✔ Configuring Perforce settings✔ Defining client workspaces✔ Verifying connections✔ Refining workspace views✔ Changing the location of your workspace✔ Configuring workspace options✔ Configuring submit options✔ Configuring line-ending settings✔ Deleting client workspace specifications✔ SecurityP4 Commands✔ Command-line syntax✔ Wildcards✔ Specifying file revisions✔ Reporting commands✔ Using Perforce forms✔ Help – p4 help, p4 info, "File Specifications", "Views", "Global Options", "File Types"✔ Client workspace – p4 clean, p4 client, p4 clients, p4 flush, p4 have, p4 sync, p4 update, p4 where, p4 workspace, p4 workspaces✔ Files – p4 add, p4 attribute, p4 copy, p4 delete, p4 diff, p4 diff2, p4 dirs, p4 edit, p4 files, p4 fstat, p4 grep, p4 move, p4 lock, p4 print, p4 rename, p4 revert, p4 status, p4 sizes, p4 unlock✔ Changelists – p4 change, p4 changelist, p4 changes, p4 changelists, p4 describe, p4 filelog, p4 opened, p4 reopen, p4 review, p4 shelve, p4 submit, p4 unshelve✔ Branching and Merging – p4 branch, p4 branches, p4 copy, p4 integrate, p4 integrated, p4 label, p4 labels, p4 labelsync, p4 list, p4 merge, p4 populate, p4 tag, p4 resolve, p4 resolved✔ Security – p4 login, p4 logout, p4 passwd,✔ Environment – p4 set, "Environment and Registry Variables", P4CLIENT, P4CONFIG, P4EDITOR, P4HOST, P4PASSWD, P4PCACHE, P4PFSIZE, P4POPTIONS, P4PORT, P4ROOT,P4TICKETS, P4USER, PWD, TMP, TEMPManaging Files and Changelists✔ Managing files✔ Managing changelists✔ Diffing files✔ Working offlineResolving Conflicts✔ Resolving Conflicts✔ How to resolve conflicts✔ Locking filesCodelines, Branching and Streams✔ Basic terminology✔ Organizing the depot✔ Populating Codelines✔ Branching Codelines✔ Integrating changesLabels✔ Tagging files with a label✔ Untagging files✔ Listing files tagged by a label✔ Deleting labels